Kamis, 15 November 2012

Reflection 1: My Motivation Is My Power

Reflection: My Motivation Is My Power
In fifth semester, I have an interesting course named Motivation and Managing Students for Effective Learning (afterward MMSEL). In this course, we are going to discuss about how the motivation could influence any aspects of students’ side to achieve effective learning. In the first meeting, we talked about the definition of motivation itself. In my humble opinion, motivation is such of massive power to establish my goals as well as to sustain them in my behavior. There are two types of motivation, the first type of motivation is intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is the power of doing or obtaining some things because intrinsically you choose to do it based on your own sake. In the other hand, the second type of motivation is extrinsic motivation. In contrast with intrinsic motivation, this type of motivation tends to the power of doing or obtaining some things because there are any reasons that come from out of your control such as reinforcement (reward and punishment) from other.
Regarding to the definition and two types of motivation above, I am going to tell about my intrinsic and extrinsic motivation as my power to achieve my goals in my life and relate those motivation with theory of motivation as well. In this case, I am going to write my motivation of becoming a teacher. At that time, I did not have any plan to continue my study in educational field (FKIP). My ambition was to continue in engineering field. However, day-by-day, I confused about chooses that God has given to me. At that time, I passed the Seleksi Nasional Masuk Peguruan Tinggi (SNMPTN) at Electro Engineering major in Sriwijaya Univertisy (Unsri). On the other hand, I also passed the English for Educational purpose major in Sampoerna School of Education (SSE). Finally, by facing many hard things, I left Unsri and have chosen SSE because of my family advices and the facilities that I will gain if I school there. At the first time, it was hard for me to study in SSE because it was not match with my intrinsic motivation. However, year-by-year, I proved that how extrinsic motivation could bolster my intrinsic motivation thus I am enjoying my study now. This time, I would like to say that my extrinsic motivation is a massive power for me to define my intrinsic motivation.
Relating with the theory of motivation, I put my case in behavioral theory. Behavioral theories focus on changes in behavior that result from experiences in the environment. In a deep analysis, how the external motivation could define my motivation and some incentives (positive and negative stimuli) that I got could motivate my behavior.

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