Kamis, 08 November 2012

Are There “order and safe, success, task comprehension, challenge” in My Class?

           In previous school experience I teach grade 5 about timing and daily activities. At the beginning, I start it with class discussion how to mention timing in English. Then elicit students to mention their daily activity before going to school in Bahasa and translate it into English together. After that I gave students individual worksheet that still open a chance for students to ask their pair. Each student has to draw a watch based on their daily such as waking up, praying, taking a bath, wearing uniform, having breakfast, studying and going to school passed in 20 minutes. They also required mentioning how to read the time in phrase.
           The next activity is group work. Each group has to stick pictures of daily activities before going to school in right order, mention the name of the activities and the timing.
           There is safe and order in my class. Most of students raise their hand and come to me and say “saya Miss, saya Miss” when I elicit their understanding. They also work cohesively in group and finish the assignment on time. However their enthusiasm to answer my questions does not represent their understanding. From the individual worksheet I know that there are some students have not able to draw the arrow of the watch correctly. All the students have not catch the objective of the lesson.
           I think the task is also comprehensible and challenging. It is comprehensible because it mentions students’ daily activity. The connection with their life is very close. They will be able to mention their daily life and mention the time in English. The task is also challenging because it needs students’ ability to transfer L1 (Bahasa) to L2 (English). Subconsciously they also comparing those terms in two regulations because of the differences of language.

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