Selasa, 20 November 2012

Climate Variables in My Class

I have school experience in SMAN 71 Jakarta. In there I taught XI social grade. I teach English in the class. In the opening of class I always did roll call, so I can know students who absent in that day. There are some activities that I gave to the students. First activity the students did teams group tournament (TGT). Each group stood up in a line they constructed a text about analytical exposition. This activity was a tournament, so one group competed with others group. Each member of group constructed a text like a chain. Each group has time ten minutes to finish the tournament. I did this activity to check whether the students have prior knowledge about analytical exposition or not.  
Then next activity was presentation by me. From the result of TGT I explained analytical exposition to them. After I explained it, I asked the students did filling in the blank individually. Then, after that I asked them to work in a group to make analytical exposition text. Before they made a text, they did a puzzle to get a topic of the text that they wrote. The topics were about some issues that happened in Indonesia such as traffic jam in Jakarta. Then, each group made a poster about the text that they have written.
According to my experienced, there was order and safety in my classroom, because the students always raised their hand if they have any questions or opinion. I think my class was success, because the students can did and finished their tasks on time. And then, from the individually task I think the students have understood about the material. Besides, I asked open-ended questions to the students related to the material. Then, when I did explanation I always gave them example that related to their real life. I also gave them feedback by giving comment to group’s performance when TGT activity. Although, there were some students who were did not gave their attention in the middle of class.
According to what I have done in the class, I think my activities is quite challenging for the students. It is because the students should make a text based on the topic that I gave to them and they should implement it to the poster. And the topic is also related to their real activities. So they can express their opinion and argument about the issue that happens around them. And then, I think the task was motivated students, because they made the illustration of their writing on the poster. Although, the task was could not increasing all of students’ feeling of autonomy and value. It is because there were still some students who did not discussion with their group and only made a joke in classroom. According to that case, monitor the classroom activity is very important to make the class more conducive and make all of students involve in the all of activities.

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