Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

“Motivate to Keep Them Fight”

Learning is not a must, but learning is a need. It means that everyone have to take a part of this oportunity to fulfil their needs of knowledge. But, how if learning is not seen as a need instead of a burden?
This is actually where teachers have to take a part for their students and get involve to create students’ willingness in learning. Actually the key point is Motivation. as kathy has done in her class clearly shown us that the way she teach the class can motivate her students to get involve in learning process. She shown that every students can develope themself toward her lesson.
Let’s reflect about my experience in some lesson that i’ve been passed in my senior high school. When i was at highschool I do really hate some subjects not because they were so hard, but because the teachers made me so frustrated, boring, and unmotivated. The way they teach me was horible for me, punisment and some rough words were usual came up from my teacher. It was seriously killing me.
In other way, there was an “angel” existed there. She’s my English teacher, the one who always inspired me, not only teach about english but she also motivated us. Motivated and made me keep fighting until the end (National Exam, Graduation, and registration to SSE). She actually one reason why I chose English Language Teaching as my major, because I want to be like her and inspiring my students someday.

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