Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

A Good Teacher Teach but A great Teacher Inspire

by: Nurlelah
            Motivation is related to our life and I think most of people have to motivate their self to survive in this world because world is so complicated. Most of people have much problem that make them dizzy, like students they have to study hard in school and do much homework in their home because sometimes curriculum force them to cover all the materials. Adult they have to work from eight am to six pm and sometimes their have to struggle with their target and teachers they have to think and plan the best way to teach and deliver the materials because they not only teach the students in the class but also have to educate them to make them smart, skillful and also have good behavior. In my observation most all people have much responsibility in their life. Sometimes, we not only think about my life and my happiness but also have to care of others, like family, friends and people around. It is not easy because everyone who was born has different background and problem but we have to respect all.  Sometimes environment force us to be strong with the condition that happen, like heavy traffic, pollution, crime that can make us dizzy and crazy. Therefore, people need motivation. Motivation can come from inside and outside. 
Based on my knowledge that I gave from Educational Psychology in the first semester, motivation is like power that can give us strength to do something. Sometimes I often do something that I do not know the reason what I do. I just follow my heart to do it and I feel there is big strength that forces me to do it. Maybe, it is a motivation because I believe that I do the right thing in my life but sometimes I am confused with my decision. Many things that I want but I can not choose everything and I have to choose one and it makes me confused.  I feel all things are good. When I was in the condition I tried to share what I feel with my father or someone else who I believe. They often give me choices. They believe and support whatever I did as long as good and make me think mature. They support it. Based on my experiences sometimes most all people do something because of their self or others. Other means parents, friends, school and environment. It means motivation can come from inside and outside. We have known as intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation comes from us like dream that can motivate us to do something. Extrinsic motivation comes from outside. 
As great teachers we do not only teach our students in the class, give them a lot of exercises, homework and mark them but they do not thinking because they follow the routines in the school because of the rules. The teachers not only teach and deliver the materials but they have to motivate the students. Sometimes we found the students seem do not want study or they are in the class but their mind go around. The teachers have to can inspire the students.  Making students inspiring is not easy but we can be a good model from the students. If they see that they have good teachers, they will like the teachers, if they like they will comfort and love the teachers.  If the students feel comfort and love the teachers they will be easy to understand the materials, they will be easy in learning.
The teachers should motivate the students to know their goals in learning. If the students know their goals, they will try to achieve it. It is hard for the teachers because they have many patients in one room. A teacher like a doctor but doctor just handles one patient in one room, whereas the teachers have many patients in one room. In some school like private school one teacher must handle 40 students with different characteristics, multiple intelligent, level and also background. It seems so hard and difficult but teachers have strength, they never give up educating and motivating the students in learning. The teachers have to build self awareness because sometimes students do not like study because they are bored with the subject or the class. Hence the teachers must be creative. Creating the new one in the class to attract their attention and their interest, I think giving reward can make students feel respected by the teachers but to much reward make them become addicted.  Remember that reward is not always gift but applause, saying good words like “Good Job, Great, Awesome, Wonderful ad, etc” can make students motivated. If we teach with our heart, feeling and emotion we can facilitate our students to be aware of their ability because students are very unique, they have different skills, ability and interest. We can explore it by giving them chances to show their ability. Teachers also should know students need to make them understand why and what for they learn English, math or another subject. All this time students do not know why they have to learn in the school. They just know they have to come to school, study to pass National Exam and getting the certificate “Ijazah”.

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