It Is Difficult to be Motivator
Become a motivator as same as a constructor who build a home. It is not easy to be a motivator because it needs the big effort and it is not like we make the fried egg. I have seen a lot of motivators in television such as Mario Teguh and Erbe Sentanu. For the first, I think they are the laziest people in the world because they are only talking in front of the people, cheering the people and do nothing. It makes them become popular and get a lot of money. The people around them also respect to them. Those kinds of things make me confused why the people who have job just talking can be as an important element in someone’s life. I think I can do the same thing like them because it is easy, talking to the people, giving advice and support them.
MMSEL course challenge my friend and I to be little motivators who can share the knowledge that hoped will be useful for the other people. We should motivate a community and focused in one thing. My group decided to focus on children with aged of Elementary and junior school to invite them in saving money movement. I think that is easy case to ask them do the same thing as our purpose but the reality not run well. Am I too arrogant because I underestimated the job of motivator? I know the feeling to be motivators and it was totally different with my thoughts. It was very hard and difficult to influence the other people to do the same thing like we want or to be the better person.
From the project that I did in Pancoran Dalam, I felt some feelings that I have not felt before. First, I was happy because the Pak RT in Pancoran Dalam was very welcome with our project and it was not difficult to get their permission to conduct the meeting with children at there. After get the permission and make appointment, it was time to prepare the activities for the children according to the topic and purpose of the meeting. That is to encourage the children in managing and saving their own money. At the mentioned that, the first meeting with children was nervous. We are like strangers that come into the other world. Fortunately, they are kind and funny.

From the project, my thought about motivators is different. It is hard to influence the other people to have better life. The most important is how big the activities or event that we conduct or the long words that we said to the people but the effect that will be shown from our sharing session. Motivator is great and I think they should have extra motivation to motivate themselves in motivation the other people.
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