Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

Cut a Circle of Negative Atmosphere

Rida Sahridah
Section C

I have just realized that defiant, aggression, bullying and violence are related each other. These are just like a circle of negative atmosphere. A circle that have to be cut by everyone. A circle is just like a phase or steps. Then again, everyone have to stop the phase or steps. Absolutely, it is very easy to say stop it, please. No wonder everyone especially me, as a teacher candidate has to have a strategy to cut and stop the circle.
I have experienced for 12 years sitting in school. By reflecting that, I try to identify whether these four, defiant, aggression, bullying and violence occurred or not in  surrounding me. Based on my experience that in every class always has defiant students. I think the defiant students feel that he or she as unique person, a strong person or its worse thing that he or she feel as expelled person. I think I can imagine how a defiant student can be doing aggression first later on bullying or being bullied. After all, there is a big possibility for them to violence.
However that since I entered school for the first time, I have never experienced the violence toward myself, my friends or might not be a person who have done violence toward others. In other hand that defiance, aggression and bullying occurred when I was in school whether transparently or not. I mean by saying transparently or not is that sometimes the students did verbal bullying toward a student in classroom while in teaching and learning process in front of my teacher. Certainly, mostly the students bullying out from my teachers’ eyes. I realized that was sin. I don’t want to do it again.
The strategy that teacher has to have is awareness. All teacher do is not only teaching but educating the students. Aware that probably something goes wrong in the teacher class. Aware that probably that there is a defiant student who is being bullied or there are some stronger students who bully a weaker student. By this awareness, the teacher can cut and stop the students to go further to worse one.

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