Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

My Best Classroom Management

                I have taught in School Experience program three times. The first is teaching assistant, second is team teaching and the last one is individual teaching. I have got many new experiences especially in classroom management during teaching in different school when School Experience Program. There were a lot of problem in class that I had to face during teaching like controlled the students while grouping, tried to get students’ attention again and again and there was so tiring and sometimes I felt little bit frustrated.
                Among all of my teaching experiences during school experience program, the best class especially in classroom management was the tenth grade in SMAN 61 Jakarta. The class consisted of not until 40 students but more than 20 students. I forgot about the right total of the students. The students were little bit active to make a noise but still in controlled. The students were also easy to control while grouping. I can say it because I also have an experience in teaching about the difficulty of grouping the students.
                I think the reason why the classroom management was success in that class because of students’ behavior too. They were active but still interested to pay attention to the teacher also to involve in activities in class.

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