According to my experiences in teaching practice, I found that
students’ condition in every school and class was different. Even students’
condition in a class could change from time to time. For instance, accelerated
students who I taught (I call them my students in this article, even though they
were not exactly my own students) in previous school experience followed my
instruction and done all activities well in the first meeting, but it did not
happen the same way as in the second meeting. At the first meeting, most of
them were passive but at the next meeting they were talkative. It could be
because of the activities conducted in the first and the second meeting were
different or students’ mood, or the topic, or other possible reasons.
Somehow, it was a challenge for teachers to adjust the
learning activities with any condition. In other way, teachers need to increase
students’ interest in learning activities so that they could effectively and
meaningfully engage in learning activities. There are four instructional
variables that could be consider as the factors for developing students’
interest i.e. introductory focus, personalization, involvement, feedback.
Introductory focus means at the beginning of the lesson
teachers attract students’ background and build conceptual framework for the
lesson which is based on students’ experiences or past learning. It could be
through giving question, providing concrete example and telling the objective which
will lead students to the material. Since it is began with the problem into the
material, the lesson sequences become inductive.
My students were more interested when I linked the new material
with their experiences rather than with their previous learning. When I asked about
something that related with their life, they were indirectly and subconsciously
go into the learning. Inverse, when I talked about material that they have
learnt, most of them just kept silent. They might feel that they should be
serious and immediately memorize what they have learnt. Perhaps, I did not use
the right technique to link it into their previous learning.
according my students’ feedback, interesting appearance of teaching aid I
presented has attracted their attention. I used Prezi for presenting the
learning objective and agenda and also the material that I want to give. I
think, teaching aids also should be considered in developing interesting
learning activities.
Besides that, my pitch and my gesture when I opened the
class also influence the next learning activities whether they pay attention to
me, respect me, and follow the activities. My pitch in accelerated class was
not a problem since it is small class with eight students in there. However, in
another class the students were above 35 and my low pitch was troublesome. Most
of them gave me feedback to speak louder and some of them asked me to be more

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